Sunday, May 27, 2007

Highlights from Hollywood and the American Idol Finale!

I created a new blog with just Idol stuff that you can check out HERE. You'll find Idol pics and some of the interviews leading up to the 2007 American Idol Finale!

What can I tell you overall about the contestants that I met from this season and from previous seasons? They're talented, fun to be around and smart enough to make the most of the opportunities Idol has afforded them. They're also extremely close and protective of one another. AND...they all like Simon.

I met one of my idols - Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia!) - and chatted about On the Lot. I also spoke to Mimi Rogers and managed to avoid the Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader fifth graders - whew! They were going around quizzing people - I didn't go to Hollywood for that! They were HILARIOUS!

It was a fun four days in LA. Thanks FOX!!

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Miracle Strip and Shipwreck Island - if you only catch one you're gonna miss half the fun!

This is the Starliner (Florida's first coaster) from Panama City Beach that's made it's way here to Cypress Gardens. I used to live in Panama City and I remember this coaster. I'm an absolute coaster fiend EXCEPT when it comes to wooden coasters. I jumped out of a plane but I'm scared of wooden coasters. They sound different, feel different and when you're on one you get the feeling that anything could happen (whatever that means - ha!) I recently coerced a friend into tackling Dueling Dragons (he's more of a Flying Unicorn kinda guy but he liked it!) Now it's my turn to quake in my shoes - my nemesis has found me in Orlando. You can read more about this legendary coaster HERE!

See ya there!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Welcome back coach!

Whew - Friday Night Lights will be back for a second season. I was reluctant to watch this at first because, well, I'm more of a basketball gal than a football gal (can't believe I called myself a gal....) Anyway this is a GREAT show. Please watch next season so that I get to watch a third season - ha! Thanks in advance for your help.

Need to catch up on the first season? NBC has full episodes online just click HERE!

We won't be here next week!

That's Carly from Mix Promotions and she and I will be in sunny LA for the American Idol Finale! (I hope she packs more than those two Mix prize packs....) There's no telling who will pop in during our broadcast but I hope I get the chance to grill Simon, chat with Randy, and congratulate Paula on her greatest hits CD release. Oh. And I hope I get to see if Sanjaya's hair is as glorious live as it was on television. Do you have a question you'd like me to ask one of the judges or contestants if I meet them? Send me an email pronto!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

'Drinking Culture Prize'

It was the opening line of this story from South Korea that caught my eye:

On second thought, maybe it was not a good idea to give an award for drinking to local government officials.

You can read the rest of the story HERE.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Other Final Four

So who's it going to be? We're down to the final four contestants on American Idol so no more fence straddling! If I was a betting woman I'd go with Miss Doolittle (like half the people watching!) Tonight should be entertaining - the Bee Gees.


Put on your Disco Is Dead t-shirt. I don't think it could have been much worse. I thought Paula and I would be dancing all night long. I expected one ballad from each of the ladies but I was sure they would all have us grooving with the BEE GEES - sheesh.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Itsy Bitsy Spider(s)

At my last radio station one of my friends came into the on-air studio and told me that all day long she'd felt a strange tickle under her blouse. She figured it was just the fabric of her shirt. Finally a huge spider crawled out. Eww! Still makes my skin crawl just to think about it. I mean what could be worse than that? How about having a pair of spiders living in your ear? It recently happened to a nine year old boy. I'll probably have nightmares about it but he seems to have taken it pretty well! You can read about it HERE. Eww!

You Can't Take It With You

If you found out you only had one year to live what would you do? Give away all of your worldly possessions? Spend like mad? Well that's what happened to one man in England. The only thing is that his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer turned out to be wrong! Would you just be happy to be alive OR would you be miffed that you didn't have a dime to your name? Click HERE to check out his story.

This is what wills are for.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Mum's the word

You've got just over a week to find something fab for your mom (or the mother of your children) for Mother's Day. Here's a LIST of good ideas/bad ideas that can help serve as a guide. One mom got a screen door for Mother's Day (hope it was nicer than the one in the picture!) Call, send a card, or take her to Orlando's Best Brunch.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Did you hear the one about...

...the Washington D.C. judge who is suing his drycleaner for $67 million for losing a prized pair of pants? Apparently he'd hoped to wear them his first day on the bench. Miss that gem? Click HERE, read, and scratch your head. At least that what I did. (That isn't a picture of the pants by the way - those are 'cranky pants' which is what this guy should probably be wearing.)

Love is in the air on Idol

Did you miss THE KISS? Looks like Simon isn't ready to kiss Lakisha goodbye. We'll find out if THE KISS brought her luck or not. Two get sent home tonight. I'll be happy as long as Melinda and Blake are okay.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Video from Operation Freefall

Here's VIDEO from my Operation Freefall skydive. Did wonderful things for my hair!