Monday, July 23, 2007


This is one of the pictures from the Harry Pottery book release party at the downtown Orlando Barnes and Noble. Great party. Fantastic book. Thanks for coming out!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Live from Universal Studios

I love the broadcast studios at Universal. The picture of the Terminator is inside the broadcast booth. Woody Woodpecker, Curious George and that big red thing-a-ma-bob are just a few of the things I saw just outside the window. The silver Terminator head swoops down from the ceiling and that's what I looked at when I was behind the mixing board broadcasting. Jaws juts out from the ceiling of the other broadcast booth and right in front of him is a swimmer who probably didn't get away - yikes!

Click anywhere on the picture above for a better look at photos.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Blue Man Group

It may not look it but this is a polaroid of me having THE TIME OF MY LIFE at the Blue Man Group show (notice the blue face in the upper left hand corner.) I won't spoil the surprise for you if you haven't seen it but it's a riot. I've never been plucked out of the audience before so this was a thrill/shock - especially since it happened to happen on my birthday. Loved it!

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