Freakout Point
USA Today has an article in today's edition about thrill-seeking CEO's who take risks outside of work that are designed to push them past the freakout point. There's a photo of former CEO of Southwest Airlines Howard Putnam 10,000 feet in the air in the midst of a tandem skydive. It was a good article for me to come across today. I'm not a thrill-seeking CEO but I'll be in Zephyrhills tomorrow morning for my own tandem skydive with SOAR's Operation Freefall. Welcome to my freakout point.
I'll post photos and video as soon as they come in!
And what about our daring duo Scott & Erica? Scott told me he probably would go skydiving and almost did once. Erica said she would probably not go. She'd go parasailing but she's too type A to rely on someone else in a tandem dive (plus she'd want to pack the parachute herself -ha!)