Tuesday, April 1, 2008

SciFi Girl

Scott pronounces it SkeeFee.  This Friday is the series finale of Battlestar Galactica which is probably my favorite show ever.  They had me at frak ;-)  What a great ride.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hollywood Round

Hmm...haven't decided yet how I feel about the top 24.  One of my favorites went home - boo hiss!  I think I'm going to like more of the girls than the guys this season - but you never know until they hit the stage.  

I don't think there will be another Sanjaya phenom (but those Vote for the Worst folks may still figure out a way to stir something up.)  

This season I noticed that during the regular audition rounds Paula and Randy were almost as harsh as Simon at times (but I cut them all some slack because who could sit through THOUSANDS of auditions and not lose it a little?)  I could tell tonight though that they had a genuinely tough time choosing the top 24.  Bring on the little stage!  I'm ready to whittle this down to the top 10.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


There was definitely a show outside the Amway Arena tonight too! Her friend is helping her bend her middle finger ALL THE WAY BACK! Needless to say I screamed when I saw this - ha!

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Hannah Montana at the Amway Arena

These are my girls! We had a blast hanging out with everyone tonight outside the Amway Arena before the big show. Thanks for stopping by the Mix booth!

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Monday, January 21, 2008

We've all been there...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Get a load of Oprah

That's right! Oprah is getting her own cable television channel. Next year she'll take over the Discovery Health Channel which will be called OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network.)

So...what kinds of programs will she do? She says it will be mindful, not mindless TV. (What's wrong with mindless TV???) One of my best friends, Chris, wants to see a Dress for Success type show - fashion for every woman and her lifestyle.

I asked Scott (aka Scott McKenzie) if he could pick a show what would it be but his self editor kicked in and he wouldn't say (he just laughed - take that however you like.)

Good kids aren't very well represented in the media today so I hope she produces a show about them doing the good things they do - like staying in school and avoiding the plague (aka drugs.)

Of course the show we all want to see is Oprah's Favorite Things Orlando! (Fooled you with that whole 'good kids doing good things' bit, didn't I? ;-)

Sunday, January 13, 2008


So I've agreed to perform in the Vagina Monologues in support of SOAR (Speaking Out About Rape.)  Last year I jumped out of an airplane in SOAR's Operation Freefall but I think this is actually going to be more terrifying.  SOAR is an awesome organization though so I couldn't say no.  Kellie Greene, the founder of SOAR, was on Oprah so you know it's got to be pretty cool.  

I'm a bit on the modest side so if you want to come out and see me blush my way through this I'll post details about the two performances and where they'll take place as soon as everything is firmed up.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

American Idol

Writer's strike and reruns got you down?  January 15th and 16th we can all get caught up in crazy once again - it's the two night season premiere of American Idol.  Don't pretend you won't be watching the auditions for the next Sanjaya (I'm talking to you, you Vote For Worst voter you.)  And since it is an election year why not practice voting.  It's pretty easy when the polling place is your living room.


Well it's a good thing they don't delete these things if you ignore them for a month or so...

So this whole 'let's get blogs on MIX1051.com' thing sort of manifested the way many things do behind the scenes at Mix (at least things that involve Scott McKenzie and yours truly) - it's almost always some sort of competition.  Scott and I always have bets about important things like who can make the vending machine accept a wrinkled beaten down dollar (Scott won that one - grrr...)  So how did we compete with our blogs?  It turns out (!!) you can track visitors to your blog from as far away as, well, from pretty far away (I just can't think of anyplace in particular right now.)  Once we realized THAT it was ON:  who could get the most visitors from the most far out places.  And who won?  Jay.  (Who invited him to get into the blog race?)  I'm a bit of a poor sport so I lost interest in blogging after that.

Of course that wasn't the point of the Mix Blogs (who knew Scott could write so well?  I mean he's kind of daft, you know?  Just kidding Scott!)  So my one and only new years resolution is to get back at it (are those cheers that I hear?  Ha!) 

Oh.  If you know anyone in Malaysia please have them visit my blog.  I mean we don't want Jay to continue winning do we?  Thanks.